Reclaim Your Life:
Specialized Support for Anxiety, OCD, and Worry

Are you caught in a cycle of worry, unable to quiet your anxious thoughts?

Are you constantly on edge, anticipating the worst-case scenario in every situation?

Do you struggle with constant self-doubt and harsh self-judgment?

We understand that anxiety, OCD, and worry can consume your thoughts, impact your relationships, and hinder your overall well-being. That's why we take a personalized and evidence based approach to support you. Our experienced therapists provide a safe and non-judgmental space where you can explore and address the root causes of your anxiety, worry, and OCD.


Why do we get anxious?

At its core, anxiety is a good thing. It’s an evolutionary response that helps to keep us safe from perceived threats. Think about it this way: if you were living in the jungle and you heard a rustle in the dark, your anxiety would put you on alert in case it’s a predator. Even if it turns out to be a bunny instead of a tiger, your anxiety did its job in keeping you safe. When we pull this analogy into our real lives, those “perceived threats” can look a lot more like harsh self-criticism, perfectionism, and other intrusive thoughts.

Where we often start to struggle with anxiety is when those thoughts are so pervasive that they become fact in our brains. We hear, “I am going to fail that test” instead of “I am nervous about this test and need to make a plan to reach my goals.” We hear, “my boss is mad at me” instead of “I’m sensing a shift in tone that’s making me feel insecure.” We hear, “I am a bad mom” instead of “I should check in with the pediatrician to see if it’s normal that my child isn’t walking yet.”

Through our work together, we will employ evidence-based practices like cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness strategies to learn to notice  intrusive thoughts and understand what they are trying to tell you, rather than accepting them as hurtful truths that derail routines, relationships, and self-worth.

What is OCD? How do I know if I have OCD?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a treatable mental health condition characterized by intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors that can significantly impact daily life. Individuals with OCD often experience obsessions like intrusive thoughts, images, or urges that create distress, and compulsion, which are repetitive behaviors or mental acts aimed at reducing anxiety. Common obsessions include concerns about cleanliness, symmetry, harming oneself or others, or doubts about safety. Compulsions often involve repetitive rituals like excessive cleaning, checking, counting, or arranging items.

OCD is highly treatable. If you suspect you have OCD, seeking professional help is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. At Proactive Therapy, our skilled therapists specialize in working with individuals struggling with OCD. We provide a safe, supportive space and will engage you in Exposure Response Prevention (ERP), the gold standard for treating OCD, in order to help you  and regain control over your life.

Doesn’t everybody worry? Why do I feel so different?

Yes, worry is a natural human experience. But the degree to which we worry is highly individual. Genetic predisposition plays a role, as individuals with a family history of anxiety or worry may be more susceptible. Environmental stressors, such as traumatic experiences or chronic life stress, can contribute to heightened worry levels.

Apart from these influences, learned thinking patterns also shape our propensity for chronic worry. Some individuals have learned to perceive potential threats and dangers in their surroundings, leading them to rely on worry as a means of anticipating and preparing for negative outcomes. Cognitive biases, such as catastrophizing or overestimating the likelihood of negative events, can further perpetuate worrisome thoughts.

Our expert team of therapists at Proactive Therapy can help you gain insight into your personal triggers and develop effective strategies to manage anxiety. Through evidence-based interventions tailored to your needs, we aim to empower you to regain control over excessive worry and experience greater peace of mind. Together, we can build a reality where your life and choices are driven by your values – not by your worries.

Our approach to treating anxiety, OCD, and worry

At Proactive Therapy, we understand that anxiety, OCD, and excessive worry are complex conditions that require a multifaceted approach. We believe in addressing these challenges from various angles, combining evidence-based techniques with compassionate care to provide you with the best possible support. Our approach combines the following elements:

  1. Personalized Treatment Plans: We recognize that each individual's experience with anxiety, OCD, and excessive worry is unique. Our therapists take the time to understand your specific concerns, triggers, and goals. With this knowledge, we develop personalized treatment plans tailored to your needs, ensuring that you receive targeted interventions that address your specific challenges.

  2. Exposure Response Therapy (ERT): ERT is an evidence-based therapy that focuses on gradually exposing individuals to feared thoughts, situations, or objects while refraining from engaging in the associated anxiety-driven rituals or behaviors. This process helps individuals confront their fears in a safe and controlled environment, ultimately reducing anxiety and restoring a sense of control and freedom.

  3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a cornerstone of our approach to anxiety, OCD, and excessive worry. This therapeutic modality focuses on identifying unhelpful thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to anxiety and worry. Through CBT, we help you develop new ways of responding to your thoughts and feelings, and provide practical techniques to manage your symptoms effectively.

  4. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): ACT is an evidence-based approach for anxiety, OCD, and worry. ACT focuses on acceptance, mindfulness, and values-driven actions. It teaches individuals to observe thoughts and emotions non-judgmentally and develop a healthier relationship with their struggles. By clarifying personal values and committing to value-based actions, individuals can lead meaningful lives despite anxiety or intrusive thoughts.

  5. Coping Skills Development: We equip you with practical coping skills that can be applied in real-life situations. These skills may include mindfulness practice, emotional exposures, learning to notice thoughts without getting “hooked” by them, and distress tolerance skills. . By building your repertoire of effective coping mechanisms, you'll be better equipped to manage anxiety, OCD, or excessive worry as they arise.

By combining these tools, we strive to provide you with comprehensive and effective support to overcome anxiety, OCD, and excessive worry. Our aim is to empower you to reclaim your life, cultivate resilience, and thrive in your personal and professional endeavors. Take the first step today by reaching out to our intake coordinator for a complimentary consultation. Together, we can embark on a transformative journey toward lasting well-being.